Integrated member

Elisabete Fiel
Assistant Professor
Biographical Note
Elisabete Fiel achieved her doctorate at the University of Extremadura, Badajoz, specializing in Education – Evolutionary and Educational Psychology, afterward recognized in Portugal. Her educational background includes Geography and Regional Planning from FCSH at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with additional studies in Education Sciences. She has attended several national and European training courses. Concerning of school libraries, literacy, knowledge management, and the integration of technologies in the classroom. Since 2006, she has been an active member of the eTwinning project, receiving several national and European quality seals. Elisabete Fiel has also served as a project ambassador and sub-coordinator in collaboration with the Directorate-General of Education. Recognized by the Scientific Council for Teacher Training since 2002, she is a teacher trainer in the areas of Didactics of Geography, Pedagogical Relationships, School Libraries, Technologies in Education, and Project Development. She has held the position of Assistant Professor in the Autonomous Section for Education and General Training, since the 1st of February, 2024.
Research Interests
- Geography teaching and active methodologies
- Project methodologies and geography learning
- Technologies in the classroom and geography teaching
- Multiculturalism and project development
- Transversal competencies and project development
- Artificial Intelligence, teaching and learning
- Creativity and project development
Relevant Publications
Current PhD students
External collaborations
Elisabete Fiel is the eTwinning Ambassador for Initial Teacher Education, which promotes partnerships between the eTwinning platform spanning 44 countries and the European School Educational Platform. This project is sponsored by the European Commission and operates in the Directorate General of Education, Resources, and Educational Technologies Team (ERTE).