Integrated member

Nadia Ferreira

Assistant Professor

Biographical Note

Nadia Ferreira is a professor at ISPA, where she teaches courses related to Mathematics Education. Since 2000, she has been an elementary school teacher, teacher trainer and researcher. Coordinates the ProSTEAM project and is a director of the Masters course in preschool education and 1st elementary cycle teachers. Collaborated with different higher education institutions and several teacher training centers, since 2011, in Childhood Education courses, Elementary Teaching and Masters Teachers in Teacher supervision and Training and School Administration. Since 2001 has pedagogically and scientifically supported teachers and schools in different programs of the Ministry of Education. From 2016 at 2021, at the Directorate General for Education (DGE) she has been actively involved in the curriculum reorganization process that is taking place in Portugal. She was also involved in the production of pedagogical resources, guiding documents on reference practices, and also conceived and implemented training for teacher trainers and directors across the country.

Research Interests

  • Mathematics Education
  • Teacher training
  • Curriculum development and pedagogical innovation

Relevant Publications

Ferreira, N., Costa, M. C., Peixoto, F., Monteiro, V., & Castro Silva, J. (2023). Promoting interdisciplinarity in elementary education in the context an Erasmus + STEAM project. [Conference presentation]. CERME 13, 13th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Budapest, Hungary.

Cosme, A., Ferreira, D., Lima, L., & Ferreira, N. (in press). Metodologias, Métodos e Situações de Aprendizagem: Propostas e Estratégias de Ação. Porto Editora: Porto

Ferreira, N., & Ponte, J. P. (2018). Propondo tarefas sobre números racionais: As ações de futuras professoras durante a prática de ensino supervisionada. Quadrante, 27(1), 113-136.

Ferreira, N. & Ponte, J.P. (2017). O conhecimento para ensinar Matemática na prática letiva de uma futura professora do primeiro ciclo: O conceito de percentagem. In A prática dos professores: Planificação e discussão coletiva na sala de aula. GTI – Grupo de Trabalho de Investigação: Lisboa: APM.

Ferreira, N., & Ponte, J. P. (2016). Planning, teaching and reflecting on how to explain inverse rational numbers: The case of Ana. Proceedings of ERME Topic Conference, Berlim, Alemanha.

Current PhD students

External collaborations
