Integrated member

Susana Batista

Assistant Professor

Biographical Note

Susana Batista holds a PhD in Sociology from Iscte- University Institute of Lisboa and is an Assistant Professor at NOVA FCSH, where she coordinates the Master’s program in Education Studies. Her teaching focuses on courses in Education, Society and Development, Research Methods, and Sociology. She is actively engaged in several education-research projects, including the development of statistical indicators, models, handbooks, social diagnosis, monitoring and evaluation, and teacher training programs. Among these projects are the ESCXEL Project – schools for excellence network and ATLAS – Social and local contexts of educational success and failure. She participates in interdisciplinary European initiatives on children, youth and media, namely the EU Kids Online Network and the ySKILLS H2020 Project. She also co-coordinates the Thematic Section on Sociology of Education of the Portuguese Sociological Association (APS).

Research Interests

  • Public action and local networks in education
  • Decentralization and school autonomy policies
  • Children, youth and media
  • Digital literacies and skills
  • Social and local contexts of educational success and failure
  • Research-practice relationship in education

Relevant Publications

Kalmus, V., Batista, S., Opermann, S., Tercova, N., & Jaron Bedrosova, M. (2024). Child Vulnerability in the Digital World. In: D. Kutsar, M. Beilmann & O. Nahkur (eds), Child Vulnerability and Vulnerable Subjectivity. Children’s Well-Being: Indicators and Research, vol 27. Springer. Cham.

Batista, S. (2024). O desenvolvimento do sistema de ensino: centralismo e descentralização. Em Justino, D. (Coord.). O ensino em Portugal. Antes e depois do 25 de Abril. Volume 1 – Um século em Análise (pp. 65-81). Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo.

Batista, S., & Simões, J.A. (2022). Cidadania digital de jovens em três países europeus. Perfis de (não) participação cívica online. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 98, 9-29.

Ponte, C., Leote de Carvalho, M.J., & Batista, S. (2021). Exploring European Children’s self-reported data on online aggression. Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research.

Batista, S. (2021). Redes colaborativas locais na ação pública em educação: reflexões a partir da participação em projetos de investigação. Revista de divulgação científica AICA. pp. 140-154.

Current PhD students

Ana Kubrusly
Digital welllbeing according to youth: perceptions, strategies, and Recommendations

Manuel Cavela (co-orientação)
Women in Higher Education in Angola: Evolution and Trajectories

Patrícia Simões
The social mission of the school and the emergence of the Social Educator: the missing piece?

Teixeira Domingos
Unexpected educational trajectories of graduates from disadvantaged backgrounds in Angola and their integration into the labor market

External collaborations
