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Radišic, J., Krstic, K., Blažanin, B., Micic, K., Baucal, A., Peixoto, F., Schukajlow. S. (2024). “Am I a math person?” Linking math identity with students’ motivation for mathematics and achievement. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 39, 1513-1536.
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Santos, A.I.; Cascalho, J.M.; Mendes, A.B.; Funk, M.; Amaral, B.; Marques, F. & Medeiros, P.J. (2024). Computational thinking in primary school children: construction and validation of an assessment instrument. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 14(12), 1652-1660.
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Rapanta, C., Gonçalves, C., Pereira, J. R., Cascalheira, D., Gil, B., Morais, R., … & Macagno, F. (2021). Multicultural classroom discourse dataset on teachers’ and students’ dialogic empathy. Data in Brief, 39.
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Rapanta, C., Vrikki, M., & Evagorou, M. (2021). Preparing culturally literate citizens through dialogue and argumentation: rethinking citizenship education. Curriculum Journal, 32(3), 475-494.
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