About us

EDUNOVA.ISPA is a new research unit founded under the general thematic scope: “Building Bridges in Education Research: From Learners to Systems, from Diversity to Inclusion”

Who we are & what we do

EDUNOVA.ISPA is a consortium that involves partnerships between researchers from ISPA – Instituto Universitário, NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA), and School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH). EDUNOVA.ISPA assumes as main goals:
  • To promote research in Education, in different dimensions of educational processes and contexts;
  • To qualify and project scientific research in the field of education;
  • To transfer advanced knowledge to younger generations of researchers through close collaboration with the postgraduate training of the institutions involved;
  • To disseminate scientific knowledge and methodological tools in the field of education;
  • Intensify international partnerships in EDUNOVA.ISPA’s key research areas.

Scientific domains & thematic areas

Processes and practices in education

Learning: contexts, processes and literacies

Formal and informal education. Literacy acquisition and development processes. Sociocognitive, affective and emotional dimensions of learning. Processes and practices of parental involvement in education. The new literacies.

Teachers: educational knowledge and professional cultures

Teachers professionalism: initial education and training. New technologies and digital pedagogy. Professionalism, education knowledge and school cultures.

Ideas, policies and social change in education

Education systems and school organization.

Education systems and public policies in modern societies. Ideas, reform and policy in a historical perspective. Modes of regulation and change. Collaborative school networks and innovation diffusion of educational practises. School evaluation and change monitoring.

Diversity and inclusion: curriculum, pedagogical practices and assessment

School inequalities in complex social contexts. Curricular and pedagogical differentiation. Mechanisms of school segregation and exclusion. Inclusive education policies and practices.

Integrated members
0 +
Funded research projects
0 +
PhD Students

Advisory board



Daniel Bart – University of Lille – France

Manuel Montanero – University of Extremadura – Spain

Maria Alessandra Mariotti – Senior(retired) Professor at Università degli Studi di Siena – Italy

Markku Niemivirta – University of Eastern Finland Joensuu, Kuopio – Finland