Integrated member

Francisco Peixoto

Full Professor

Biographical Note

Francisco Peixoto, PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Minho, is a Professor at ISPA, where he teaches courses related to Educational Psychology, Learning, Motivation, and Research Methodology to undergraduate, master’s, and PhD students. He has been involved in several research programs funded by national and European agencies. These projects have addressed topics such as the affective components of learning, including academic emotions, self-esteem, and motivation, as well as teacher professional identity, motivation, and resilience. He was the coordinator of the Center for Educational Research at ISPA and is currently the coordinator of EDUNOVA.ISPA. Francisco Peixoto is the author of several papers published in national and international journals, as well as book chapters.

Research Interests

  • Affective components in the learning process namely those related to motivation and emotions;
  • Self-concept and self-esteem development, during adolescence and its relation with school context;
  • Socio-psychological processes in learning and development;
  • Relational dynamics (family and peers) and relationships with academic adjustment;
  • Teacher professional identity and motivation;
  • Teacher resilience and well-being

Relevant Publications

Peixoto, F., Mata, L., Campos, M., Caetano, T., Radišić, J., & Niemivirta, M. (2024). ‘Am I to blame because my child is not motivated to do math?’: Relationships between parents’ attitudes, beliefs and practices towards mathematics and students’ mathematics motivation and achievement. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 39, 1561-1586.

Peixoto, F., Radišić, J., Krstić K., Hansen, K.Y., Laine, A., Baucal, A., Sõrmus, M., Mata, L. (2023). Contribution to the validation of the Expectancy-Value Scale for primary school students. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 41(3), 343-350.

Forsblom, L., Pekrun, R., Loderer, K., & Peixoto, F. (2022). Cognitive appraisals, achievement emotions, and students’ math achievement: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(2), 346–367.

Forsblom, L., Peixoto, F., & Mata, L. (2021). Perceived classroom support: Longitudinal effects on students’ achievement emotions. Learning & Individual Differences, 85, 101959.

Goos, M., Pipa, J., Peixoto, F. (2021). Effectiveness of grade retention: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 34, 100401.

Current PhD students

Mafalda Leal Campos
Ethnic Identity: Characterization, its effects on academic adjustment and the mediating role of socio-affective components of learning in ethnic minority students

Mariana Brasão Gomes
From awareness to action: The impact of classroom health education interventions on children’s knowledge application
Pedro Miguel Leite Silva
Motivational Orientations in Vocational Education

Tiago Alexandre Linhares dos Santos
Teacher motivation, student motivation and learning strategies: What relationships?

Tuk Bahadur Ghimire
Professional adaptability, resilience and development: A multidimensional perspective of higher secondary social studies teachers of Nepal

Ana Rita Fernandes (co-supervision)
Emotional competences in early childhood education settings – Conceptions and practices of professionals

Sónia Cabral (co-supervision)
Initial teachers training for parental involvement in Portugal: curriculum structure and representations of coordinators, teachers, and students

Susana Patrícia dos Santos Diniz da Silva Costa (co-supervision)
Promoting autonomy and self-regulation in the 3rd cycle of basic education: a comparison of two study method programs with different focuses on reading comprehension strategies

External collaborations

  • Aleksandar Baucal (University of Belgrade, Serbia)
  • Anu Laine (University of Helsinki, Finland)
  • Caroline Mansfield (Murdoch University, Australia)
  • Daniela Raccanello (Università degli Studi di Verona, Italy)
  • David Putwain (Liverpool John Moores University, UK)
  • Eleftheria Gonida (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
  • Gloria Gratacós Casacuberta (Villanueva University, Spain)
  • Jelena Radisic (University of Oslo, Norway)
  • Kajsa Hansen Yang (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
  • Leandro Almeida (University of Minho, Portugal)
  • Markku Niemivirta (University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
  • Mieke Goos (KU Leuven, Belgium)
  • Paula Villalobos Vergara (Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences, Chile)
    Reinhard Pekrun (University of Essex, UK)
  • Susan Beltman (Curtin University, Australia)
  • Susana Rodríguez (Universidade da Coruña, Spain)


  • Joana Pipa (PhD finished in 2023)
  • Luísa Fernandes (PhD finished in 2022)
  • Rita Martins Silva (PhD finished in 2021)
  • Edite Mendes (PhD finished in 2020)
  • Susana Pestana (PhD finished in 2019)
  • Teresa Almeida Rocha (PhD finished in 2019)
  • Luís Folgado Ferreira (PhD finished in 2017)
  • Manuel Granjo (PhD finished in 2015)
  • Cristina Campos (PhD finished in 2007)