Integrated member

João Correia de Freitas

Assistant Professor

Biographical Note

João Correia de Freitas is a Biologist from the School of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and holds a PhD in Education Sciences from the New University of Lisbon. He is an Assistant Professor and researcher at the Research Unit on Education and Development, at the School of Science and Technology of the same university, in the field of Digital Education, teaching and supervising theses at the master’s and doctoral levels. Since 2024, he has been responsible for the Pedagogical Innovation Office (e-Learning) at FCTUNL. He is the author or co-author of books and scientific articles and a invited speaker in Digital Education. He belongs to the Distance Education Section of the Portuguese Society of Education Sciences and is the coordinator of the Working Group on Innovation and Emerging Environments and Practices. He is a founding member and current president of the board of EDUCOM, an association of teachers that promotes the innovative educational use of digital environments. He is a teacher-trainer of non-higher education in educational technologies.

Research Interests

Digital Education, Innovation, emerging environments and practices, digitally enriched educational environments, e-Learning, ICT in Education

Relevant Publications

Dias, P. & Freitas, J. C.. (2022). Educação digital, a distância e em rede. Universidade Aberta. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, Lisboa | Coimbra

Santos, S., Freitas, J. C., & Melo, J. J. (2022). E-planning for quality school management: A case study in the context of Brazilian public education. In P. Dobers, M. Gawell, J. Gårde, & S. Silfverskiöld (Eds.), PROCEEDINGS of the 28th Annual Conference, International Sustainable Development Research Society: Sustainable Development and Courage: Culture, Art and Human Rights (Single, p. 139). Södertörns högskola.

Justo, A. S. C., & Freitas, J. C. (2021). Uma experiência em e-learning local e a distância numa escola de formação inicial de professores de Química em Angola. Proceedings Da Conferência IADIS Ibero-Americanas WWW – Internet e Computação Aplicada 2021, 59–68.

Torres, M., Correia de Freitas, J., & Mesquita, M. (2020). Coconstrução de um museu virtual. Literacia, sustentabilidade e emancipação na disseminação do património cultural das comunidades de pescadores. Atas Do XV Congresso Da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Da Educação, Lisboa.

Freitas, J. C., Reis, F. E., Lopes, V. G., Costa,, D. (2019).“A Khan Academy em Portugal, o ensino e aprendizagem da Matemática e a Formação de Professores – um contributo da EDUCOM”. Educação e Matemática, #152.

Current PhD students

  • Sandra Martins
  • Luís Antunes
  • Jaime Santos

External collaborations

  • Paulo Dias
  • Mônica Mesquita
  • Sumara Gonzalez
  • Marta Torres
  • Adelino Justo
  • Cristina Conchinha
  • Artur Campos
  • António Maneira
  • Andreia Teles Vieira
  • Maria João Horta
  • Maria dos Anjos Fenrinha
  • Patrícia Fidalgo
  • Vítor Teodoro


  • Sumara Gonzalez
  • Marta Torres
  • Adelino Justo
  • Cristina Conchinha
  • Artur Campos
  • António Maneira
  • Andreia Teles Vieira
  • Maria João Horta
  • Maria dos Anjos Fenrinha
  • Patrícia Fidalgo