Integrated member

Lourdes Mata
Associate Professor
Biographical Note
Research Interests
Relevant Publications
Cabral, S., Mata, L. & Peixoto, F. (2024). Preparing pre-service teachers for family engagement: Insights from the initial teacher education syllabus. Education Sciences, 14, 674.
Mata, L. (2024). “Prontidão ou Transição? Olhares sobre a entrada na escola” [‘Readiness or Transition? Perspectives on school entry’]. In L. Mata (Ed). Transição do Jardim de Infância para o 1.º ciclo [Transition from kindergarten to primary school] (pp.1-12). Edições Ispa.
Pacheco, P., & Mata, L. (2022). Family Literacy: Perspectives and Challenges for the Preschool-Family Relation. In Almeida, A. P. & Esteves, S. (Eds), Modern Reading Practices and Collaboration Between Schools, Family, and Community (pp. 174-201). IGI Global.
Mata, L., Pacheco, P., Brito, A. T., Pereira, M., & Cabral, S. (2022). Envolvimento das famílias no processo educativo – perspetiva de futuros profissionais [Involving families in the educational process – The perspective of future professionals]. Revista Portuguesa de Educação, 35(2).
Mata, L., Monteiro., Peixoto, F., Santos, N., Sanches, C., & Gomes, M. (2021). Emotional profiles towards math among elementary school children – A two-year longitudinal research. European Journal of Psychology of Education.
Current PhD students
Ana Rita Ligeiro Fernandes
(Bolsa FCT-SFRH/BD/148283/2019). PhD in Psychology, Specialization in Educational Psychology, ISPA – Instituto Universitário.
Sónia Cabral
(Bolsa FCT, 2020.06737.BD). PhD in Educational Sciences, ISPA-Instituto Universitário/Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
External collaborations
Carla Fernandes (DGE, Ministério da Educação)